How Is Technology Affecting Human Physiology?

Recent technology has given us some amazing new developments, but what effects is it having on our bodies? The reality is that technology is not just changing our everyday lives, it is changing the way we think, feel, and even act. We are becoming more attached to and dependent on technology.

Today’s children are growing up in a world where they have 24/7 access to a plethora of information via the Internet. With this constant access to information, there is a growing concern that kids are no longer active and are becoming more sedentary. In order to find out how technology is affecting human physiology, Dr. Stein explains that the problem with technology and sedentary behavior stems from the fact that humans are “hard-wired to move,” and an abundance of the opposite isn’t good for us.

The human body is a complex machine. But modern technology is constantly changing the way our bodies and brains work. It is affecting us humans in a bad way but at the same time, we are also adapting and this is resulting in various changing our bodies!

Technology Affecting the Attention Span

Technology has made tonnes of information very easily accessible. This has resulted in a change in the way we intake this information explosion. Due to the constant use of the internet on mobile phones and other digital devices, humans are now wired into smaller atttention spans. Even as writers and content creators, professionals are taught to keep their writing or any other media content short, bright and catchy, making us the goldfish that we are.

There are a lot, lot many distractions that even if one wants to focus, becomes very difficult. For example, how many times has it happened that you unlocked your phone to look up something over google but got distracted by other notifications and then forgot what you came here for? Right? And more often than not, the realization only strikes after a considerable time has passed where you initially did not intend it to be spent.


Technology Affecting Our Habits, and the Way We Do Things

Technology might be engineering our genetics and DNA, eyesight, and more. However, something that we can see in our daily lives is the way tech advancement is affecting our habits and the way we are doing things. These small things themselves lead to bigger changes in physiology like the ones mentioned above. For starters, we can all agree on how it is affecting memory in a bad way.

However, video games like FPS games have scientifically proved to boost decision-making skills as they force the players to make quick desisions based on their judgement based on visual cues available. The strategy based games also have proved to increase the cognitive skills of the players and also improves multitasking where they have to focus on more than one thing at the same time, making them flexible. So there are good points, I mean who would have thought that people would come to the point where they would become so fast as to score 1000+ clicks on a 30-second jitter click test.

On the other hand, these are also making them impulsive and aggressive is true as well. The need to make snap decisions becomes a habit and influences rash decisions sometomes by immediately reacting. Who knows, that could even mean that a person won’t hesitate pulling an FPS stunt IRL! So I will just leave it here.